Nurpudji Astuti Taslim, Fahrul Nurkolis, Hardinsyah Hardinsyah, Vincentius Mario Yusuf, William Ben Gunawan, Mrinal Samtiya, Nelly Mayulu, Youla A. Assa, Trina Ekawati Tallei
Introduction: The complexity of globalization, includingthe global food trade market, has the side effect that variousraw foodstuffs are vulnerable to intentional and unintentionaladulteration. However, food validation and standardizationapproaches are still unclear and challenging and need to beexplored. Objective: Through this opinion review article, the authorwould like to introduce a foodomics approach (Food, -Omics)to facilitate integrated food authenticity verification throughbiosensors. Method: This approach was based on literature review ofpotentially suitable and offers methods of Foodomics as theycombine biological analysis methods spanning genomics,transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Meanwhile,several subdisciplines of Foodomics, such as metallomics,volatomics, and lipidomics, which are considered feasible tofacilitate the verification of food authenticity, are also ex-plored and reviewed in this critical opinion. Result: Foodomics consists of four main omics technolo-gies, namely genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, andmetabolomics. This is an integration of promising approachesto provide standardized food matrices, thus becoming themost likely strategy to verify the authenticity of food.However, after trying to uncover this food authenticationproblem and provide a Foodomics approach, we felt the needfor synergies in building a database capable of storing foodmatrices in the form of unique genes, bioactive peptides, andsecondary metabolites. We hope that through this opinion re-view article, the target database can be formed, althoughdatabases such as MEDLINE and PubChem have provided thisdata facility. Conclusion: In particular, we suggest the development ofnanobiosensors that should undoubtedly be environmentallyfriendly and portable (making use of smartphones) and cre-ating a cloud database capable of storing food matrices in theform of unique genes, bioactive peptides, and secondarymetabolites, integrated with smartphone biosensors. Finally,as a result, the researcher tries to answer this database prob-lem so that foodomics integrated with the database can solvethe problem of detecting fraud and counterfeiting of food-stuffs