El trabajo está orientado a desvelar las herencias e influencias recibidas por la enfermería latinoamericana en su devenir histórico. Para este análisis esta autora establece la siguiente periodización: Precolonia, precolombina o prehispánica, hasta finales del Siglo XV; Exploración y Colonia, Siglos XVI a XVIII; en este periodo analiza las herencias que van dejando las culturas: Española, Francesa, Británica y Negra. En el siguiente periodo, Emancipación o República, que corresponde al Siglo XIX, analiza las herencias: Religiosa, Femenina, Militar y Étnica, que recibe la enfermería latinoamericana al iniciarse el Siglo XX. La etapa contemporánea, cubre el Siglo XX. La autora considera que las influencias recibidas son diferentes a través de todo el Siglo. Para el primer tercio del Siglo XX las ubica como: Francesa, Norteamericana y Británica; para el segundo tercio, como básicamente Norteamericana, y para el tercer tercio del Siglo XX, como Inter - latinoamericana y especialmente: Colombiana y Brasilera. Lo que va corrido del Siglo XXI lo ve como las tendencias que se ven venir en el horizonte, y que a su juicio, son: Brasilera y Española, principalmente
The focus of this article is revealing the cultural and ethnic heritage and influences received by the Latin American Nursing throughout its history. For this analysis, the author established the following categorization: Pre-colonial, pre-Columbian or pre-Hispanic (until the end of the fifteenth century); Exploration and Colony, and the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries, a period in which the heritage left by the Spanish, French, British and African cultures is analyzed. With regards to the following period, Emancipation or Republic, corresponding to the nineteenth century, the author analyzes the religious, Feminine, Military and Ethnic heritage received by the Latin American nursing at the beginning of the Twentieth century. The contemporaneous period refers to the twentieth century, and the author believes that through this century, nursing in Latin America was influenced by different factors. During the first third of the twentieth century the influences came from France, North- America and Britain, whereas during the second one, they mainly came from North -America. For the last third of the century, nursing in Latin America was influenced by elements within Latin-America, especially, by those from Colombia and Brazil. Finally, the author analyses the latest years of the twenty-first century, as that which will determine future trends, which, in her opinion, will be mainly defined by Brazilian and Spanish influences