Objetivo Conocer el grado de satisfacción y opiniones de los residentes de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria de España.
Método Estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se contactó con todas las Unidades Docentes de España, que acogían residentes de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria de 2º año. Se les explicó el estudio y se les invitó a participar rellenando una encuesta, a través de Google Drive.
Resultados Participaron 40 unidades docentes de las 113 con las que se contactó.
Se recibieron un total de 88 encuestas de una muestra de 244 residentes.
El 77,3% volverían a elegir su centro.
El 80,7% refirieron sentirse entre Satisfechos y Muy Satisfechos con su tutor principal.
La satisfacción global con la formación en su centro se situó en torno al 3, en un baremo del 0 al 4.
Los sectores peor valorados en las encuestas fueron: Área de investigación, calificaciones obtenidas, tramitación de quejas, resultados de encuestas de calidad y acciones de mejora llevadas a cabo por las Unidades Docentes.
Conclusiones En general, los residentes refieren sentirse satisfechos con su formación especializada; pero existen áreas calificadas negativamente y diferencias entre Unidades Docentes que sería interesante estudiar, para poder implementar acciones de mejora, que ayuden a seguir aumentando la calidad en las mismas.
Objective Know the degree of satisfaction and opinions of Family and Community Nursing residents in Spain.
Method An observacional, cross sectional, descriptive study was performed. We contacted all the teaching units in Spain, which had Family and Community Nursing residents in the 2nd year.
The study was explained to them and they were invited to participate by completing a survey, through Google Drive.
Results 40 teaching units participated of the 113 with which it was contacted.
A total of 88 surveys were received from a sample of 244 residents.
77.3% will choose your center again 80.7% felt in between satisfied and very satisfied with their main tutor.
The general satisfaction with the training in your center was 3 in a scale of 0 to 4.
The worst scored areas in the surveys were: research, obtained qualifications, dealing with complaints, quality survey results and improvement measures carried out by teaching units.
Conclusions In general, have said to be feeling satisfied with their specialized training but there are areas with negative scores and differences in between the teaching units, which will be interesting to analyze, to be able to implement improvement measures which will help to continue increasing their quality.