Theory generation: from evidence to practice
págs. 179-180
Practice Based on Evidence: an opportunity for quality care
R. Mauricio Barría Pailaquilén
págs. 181-182
Students' participation in the development of the pedagogical project in a nursing program
Natália María Freitas e Silva Maia, Benevina Maria Vilar Teixeira Nunes, Maria Eliete Batista Moura
págs. 183-190
Experience of family members as a result of children's hospitalization at the Intensive Care Unit
Maria Virginia Martins Faria Faddul Alves, Juliana Gonzaga Cordeiro, Claudia Helena Luppi Bronzato, Maria José Trevizani Nitsche, Sandra Regina Leite Rosa Olbrich Olbrich
págs. 191-200
Characteristics of patients hospitalized at an Intensive Care Unit due to drug abuse
Flavia Antunes, Magda Lúcia Félix de Oliveira
págs. 201-209
Juliana Dias Reis Pessalacia, Bruna Tavares Martins, Fabiana Castro de Faria, Samantha Oliveira, Christiane Chaves de Souza
págs. 210-217
The nursing team and the family member accompanying adult patients in the hospital context: a exploratory study
Thayane Dias dos Santos, Alessandra Cristina de Oliveira Aquino, Carla Lube de Pinho Chibante, Fátima Helena do Espírito Santo
págs. 218-225
Violence and discrimination against nursing students in a Colombian public university
Carmen Leonor Moreno Cubillos, Luz Elena Sepúlveda Gallego
págs. 226-233
Beliefs and practices of caring for pregnant women with diagnosis of fetal malformation
Luz Angela Argote Oviedo, Alcira Escobar Marín, Luzmila Hernández Sampayo, Liliana Cristina Morales Viana, Martha Lucía Vásquez Truissi
págs. 234-242
Nursing care from the perspective of ethics of care and of gender
Cecilia Beatriz Burgos Saelzer
págs. 243-251
Voice disorders in teachers: implications for occupational health nursing care
Marta Regina de Cezar Vaz, Luana de Oliveira Severo, Anelise Miritz Borges, Clarice Alves Bonow, Laurelize Pereira Rocha, Marlise Capa Verde de Almeida
págs. 252-260
Assessment of nursing students-self-esteem at a university in the South of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Erika Cássia Lopes Chaves, Talita Prado Simão, Iara Siqueira de Oliveira, Isis Prado de Souza, Denise Hollanda Iunes, Denismar Alves Nogueira
págs. 261-269
Depression in women: concept analysis from the nursing perspective
Nora Angélica Armendáriz García, Magdalena Alonso Castillo , Karla Selene López García, Bertha Alicia Castillo Alonso
págs. 270-276
HIV/AIDS in childhood and adolescence: trends in Brazilian scientific production
Cristiane Cardoso de Paula, Ivone Evangelista Cabral, Ivis Emilia de Oliveira Souza, Crhis Netto de Brum, Clarissa Bohrer da Silva, Stela Maris de Mello Padoin
págs. 277-286
págs. 287-294
Gloria Mabel Carrillo González, Beatriz Sánchez Herrera, Lorena Chaparro Díaz
págs. 295-304
Loreto Maciá Soler , María Isabel Orts Cortés
, María Eugenia Galiana Sánchez
, Asunción Ors Montenegro
págs. 305-314
Management of resources in nursing beyond leadership: our will to be and do
Delby Antonio Cano Serna, Natalia Andrea Correa Bolívar, Weimar Alexander Flórez Rendón, Yaison Dorney Giraldo Giraldo, Mónica Katerín Monsalve Cuervo, Andrés Felipe Restrepo Otálvaro
págs. 315-318