Corea del Sur
Corea del Sur
Corea del Sur
Background: The present study was conducted to assessthe relationship between metabolic syndrome (MetS) andserum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in Korean adults withor without obesity.
Materials and Methods: The study was performed usingdata from the sixth Korean National Health and NutritionExamination Survey (KNHANES VI, 2013-2014) and includedKorean adults (n = 1,140) with or without obesity (n = 2,359)aged 20 years or older (n = 3,499).
Results: The key results of this study were as follows: first,adjusting related variables in logistic regression analysis, therelationship between MetS and the odds ratio (OR) of vitaminD deficiency [25(OH)D < 10 ng/mL] was not significant in men,premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women withoutobesity. Second, in a logistic regression analysis of pre-menopausal women with obesity, the relationship betweenMetS and vitamin D deficiency was not significant (OR, 1.241;95% CI, 0.551–2.797; p = 0.603). However, MetS was posi-tively associated with vitamin D deficiency in men (OR, 1.839;95% CI, 1.038–3.258; p = 0.037) and postmenopausal women(OR, 3.136; 95% CI, 1.316–7.470; p = 0.010) with obesity.
Conclusions: MetS was not associated with vitamin D de-ficiency in Korean men, and postmenopausal women without obesity. MetS was positively associated with vitamin D defi-ciency in Korean men and postmenopausal women with obe-sity but not in premenopausal women with obesity.