Algia Amia Fanesa, Fivi Melva Diana, Frima Elda
Background: Nutritional issues among adolescents areprevalent in developing countries and worldwide. The primary causes of adolescent nutritional problems are the imbalance between calorie intake and physical activity, which can impactnutritional status (malnutrition, overnutrition, and obesity) aswell as NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases). The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of respondents andthe relationship between breakfast habits, fruit and vegetable consumption, sedentary behavior, and the nutritional status offemale students in the dormitory.
Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 124 femal estudents residing in the dormitory of Andalas University, selected through simple random sampling. Nutritional statusdata were calculated using Body Mass Index (BMI), whilefood intake data were obtained through semi-quantitativefood frequency questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) interviews. Data analysis was performed using the Chisquare test with a confidence level of 95% (α<0.05).
Results: The study revealed that the majority of respondents had a normal nutritional status (62.9%), with the ma-jority having a good breakfast habit (45.2%). The averagemonthly consumption of fruits and vegetables by respondents mostly fell into the sufficient category (36.3%), and the majority exhibited high sedentary behavior (64.5%). Statistic alanalysis showed a significant relationship between breakfast habits and nutritional status (p<0.05). However, there was no significant relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption, sedentary behavior, and nutritional status (p>0.05).
Conclusion: There is a significant relationship betweenbreakfast habits and nutritional status. However, there is nosignificant relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption, sedentary behavior, and the nutritional status of femal estudents residing in the dormitory.