Presentamos el caso de un varón de 25 años que acude al servicio de urgencias por tos de tres semanas de evolución que se acompaña de disnea de moderados esfuerzos y dolor torácico opresivo, junto a dolor muscular en pectoral izquierdo. Se realiza Rx de tórax donde se describe masa a nivel paratraqueal izquierdo, completándose estudio mediante TAC. Durante el ingreso y mediante biopsia con aguja gruesa (BAG) se confirma el diagnóstico de Linfoma de células B grandes primario mediastínico en estadio IV.
We present the case of a 25-year-old man who came to the emergency department with a three-week history of cough that was accompanied by dyspnea on moderate exertion and oppressive chest pain, along with muscle pain in the left pectoral. A chest X-ray was performed where a mass was described at the left paratracheal level, completing the study with a CT scan. During admission and through core needle biopsy (CNB), the diagnosis of stage IV primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma was confirmed.