Objetivo principal: Describir el nivel de estrés laboral percibido durante la pandemia COVID-19 por enfermeras de los servicios de críticos y urgencias, y su posible relación con variables sociodemográficas y laborales. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, donde se autoadministró una escala de estresores laborales de 34 ítems con una puntuación global entre 0 y 102 puntos (a mayor puntuación, más estrés percibido).Resul-tados principales: La media de puntuación global en la escala fue de 36,20 (DE 10,92) y por servicios fue la UCI-Polivalente-Coronaria la que mayor puntuación obtuvo 37,46 (DE 12,43) (p 0,24). El personal nuevo contratado expresó mayor nivel de estréssufrido por “preparación insuficiente” (p<0,01).Conclusión principal: Durante el inicio de pandemia, las unidades de cuidados críticos y urgencias sobrepasaron su capacidad de atención que obligó a realizar contrataciones de personal nuevo sinexperiencia que manifestó mayor nivel de estrés debido a una deficiente preparación para poder asistir a pacientes críticos.
Objective: To describe the level of job stress perceived throughout the COVID-19 pandemic by nurses working at the critical and emergency services and its possible relationship with sociodemographic and work variables.Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study. The work stressor scale was self-administered by using an online questionnaire consisting of 34 items, which determines the level of stressfulness through a scor-ing system between 0 and 102 points (thehigher the score, the more perceived stress).Results: The overall global score on the scale is 36.20 (SD 10.92), and by services, the ICU-Polyvalent-Coronary department was the one with the highest score of 37.46 (SD 12.43) (p 0, 24). New staff recruitedfor the pandemic period expressed a significantly higher level of stress suffered by “insufficient training” (p <0.01).Conclusions: During the crisis experienced during this pandemic, critical care units and hospital emergency services were forced to increase their attention capacity, which forced them to hire new inexperienced personnel, whom manifested a higher level of stress during their daily work, mainly relat-ed with lack of training or experience at the time of assisting critically ill patients. Asexpected, workoverload was the most stressful factor among nurses.