Gema Montón
Durante el transcurso de una sustitución en un pequeño centro de salud rural recibí la llamada de Ana, la hija de Darío, preocupada por la mala evolución de unas heridas en el pie derecho de su padre, que ella misma curaba con Betadine desde hacía meses. Una vez en el domicilio pude constatar que dichas heridas consistían en úlceras de tercer y cuarto grado con pulso pedio ausente, y ante estos síntomas se decidió su inmediato traslado a urgencias. Finalmente Darío sufrió la amputación de la pierna, pero gracias al apoyo de su familia y el personal sanitario ha recuperado sus ganas de vivir.
During the course of a substitution in a small center of rural health I received the call of Ana, the daughter of Darío, worried by the bad(wrong) evolution of a few wounds in the right foot of her father, which she itself was treating with Betadine some months ago. Once in the domicile I could state that the above mentioned wounds were consisting of sores of the third and fourth degree with pulse pedio absently, and with these symptoms his immediate movement was decided to urgencies. Finally Darío suffered the amputation of the leg, but thanks to the support of his family and the sanitary personnel,he has recovered his desire of living.