Málaga, España
Cordoba, España
Las drogas constituyen un problema de salud preocupante en la juventud. Su consumo temprano aumenta la probabilidad de que se mantenga y agudice durante la vida adulta. Objetivo. Constatar las posibles relaciones existentes entre consumo de drogas en alumnos de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Málaga, y su relación con factores influyentes como el género, la religiosidad o la residencia fuera del domicilio paterno. Método. La muestra estuvo formada por 755 estudiantes.
Se utilizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal usando como instrumento de recogida de datos un cuestionario. Se calcularon las prevalencias y se realizó un análisis bivariante. Resultados. La mayoría de los estudiantes no consume tabaco (85.5%), pero sí alcohol (84.9%). Menos mujeres consumen alcohol, estando equiparado en ambos sexos el consumo de tabaco. Conclusiones. Vivir fuera del domicilio paterno es un factor de riesgo para el consumo de drogas legales, no siendo significativo las creencias religiosas.
Drugs constitute an alarming health problem at any age, though specially so among youngsters as early age use increases the possibility of continuing and getting worse eventually. Aim. To verify the possible relationships between drug use in students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Malaga, and its relationship with influential factors such as gender, religiosity or residence outside the father's home. Method. The sample was constituted by 755 students. It is a descriptive and cross-sectional study which has used as a data collection instrument a questionnaire.
The statistical prevalence was estimated and a bivariate analysis was carried out. Most of the students do not smoke (85.5%) and though a vast majority does drink alcohol (84.9%). Results. There are less women who drink alcohol, whereas smoking is similar in both genders. Conclusions. Living outside their parents´ home is a risk factor concerning legal drugs abuse, whereas religious beliefs proves meaningless in that regard.