Ourense, España
Votar es un derecho de toda persona, recogido en diferente legislación, siendo la administración quien debe facilitar su realización. Aquí se presenta el caso de un individuo hospitalizado que manifiesta su interés por participar en los comicios de ese momento, estando fuera de plazo para tramitar el voto por correo o poder notarial. La enfermera elabora un plan de cuidados resultando ser la mediadora entre el paciente y el médico; éste último adopta una posición paternalista. El paciente no vota. Tras esta situación, surgen diferentes temas para ahondar: La definición de permisos de salida del hospital; La persistencia de actitudes paternalistas por parte de los sanitarios y; El desarrollo de alternativas como el e-voto.
Every individual has the right to vote, a right that is stated in current legislation, the realisation of which is facilitated by public administration. Presented here is the case of a hospitalised individual who has expressed their interest in participating in the elections taking place at that time, however the deadline by which to process the vote by mail or by power of attorney has lapsed. The nurse develops a care plan, acting as mediator between the patient and the doctor; the latter adopts a paternalistic position. The patient does not vote. This situation highlights different topics that require further development: The definition of permissions for leaving the hospital; The persistence of paternalistic attitudes by health workers and; The development of alternatives such as e-voting (electronic voting system).