En los sistemas sanitarios y sociales siempre se procura que colectivos como personas mayores, personas con enfermedad mental, discapacitados, crónicos, enfermos terminales, etc permanezcan en su domicilio o entorno habitual la mayor cantidad de tiempo posible. El modelo actual de atención socio-sanitaria, ha de procurar mecanismos necesarios para proporcionar apoyo a las cuidadoras. Sin embargo, no se está dando respuesta a la mayor demanda de cuidados que se está produciendo en la sociedad. La protagonista de este relato cuenta cómo tiene que compaginar su vida, trabajo, familia con el cuidar de sus mayores
In the health and social systems it is always tried that groups such as old people, people with mental disorders, disabled people, chronic and terminally ill people.stay at home or in their usual environment so long as they can. The current model related to the health and social care must take into account the necessary mechanisms to provide the carers with support. However, at the moment it is impossible to cope with the huge demand of care that it is taking place in the society. The star of this story tells how she has to combine her life, job and family with the fact of caring for her old relatives