Daniela Fuentes Olavarría, Nicole Garay Unjidos
La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad mental grave, de curso crónico y deteriorante. Se asocia a discapacidad considerable, afectando el desempeño educativo, familiar y laboral. Con la reforma psiquiátrica, la familia se hizo cargo de sus pacientes, que dada la severidad, supuso un replanteamiento de sus necesidades y un desafío para Enfermería. El objetivo es conocer las necesidades de los familiares responsables de un hospital público de Santiago. La metodología es cualitativa, diseño estudio de caso. Se entrevistó a familiares responsables y profesionales que los atienden, cautelando requisitos éticos y firmando consentimiento informado. Los resultados muestran que las necesidades se relacionan con apoyo profesional, emocional e informacional. Se propone abordaje a través de la psicoeducación, herramienta clave de intervención familiar a utilizar en todos los niveles de atención de la Red de Salud Mental.
Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic and deteriorating mental disease. It is associated with a significant impairment, affecting education, family and work performance. With the psychiatric reform, the family had to take care of their relatives, which given the severity of the disorder, meant a rethinking of their needs and a challenge for Nursing. The goal is to meet the needs of relatives responsible for hospitalized patients of a public hospital in Santiago. The methodology is qualitative, case study design. Families responsible and professionals working with them were interviewed, safeguarding ethical requirements and signing informed consent. The results show that needs are related to professional, emotional and informational support. The approach proposed is the psychoeducation, a key family intervention tool that can be used at different levels of care across the Mental Health Network.