Paula Bermúdez García
El tórax inestable traumático o volet costal es una urgencia médica, puesto que el traumatismo costal posee una elevada mortalidad, que se incrementa si existe contusión pulmonar, y las alteraciones estructurales en la caja torácica determinarán su gravedad. Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 85 años que viene en ambulancia medicalizada a urgencias del hospital por caída en domicilio. Permanece en Observación de Enfermería, a cargo de Medicina Interna e interconsultas con Cirugía General y Cardiología. Se valora a la paciente, determinando los diagnósticos enfermeros empleando la taxonomía diagnóstica de la North American Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA), describiendo los objetivos enfermeros a lograr, según la nomenclatura de los Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) y las intervenciones enfermeras necesarias para alcanzarlos, con el lenguaje normalizado de las Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), previamente repasando su fisiopatología y, sin olvidar, los problemas interdependientes.
The unstable traumatic thorax is a medical emergency, because it has a high mortality which increases if there pulmonary contusion, and the structural changes in the thoracic cage will determine its severity. We present the case of an 85-year-old female patient who comes in a medical ambulance to the hospital emergency department due to a fall in her home. She remains in Nursing Observation, in charge of Internal Medicine, and this makes interconsultation request to General Surgery and Cardiology. The patient is evaluated, identifying the nursing diagnoses using the diagnostic taxonomy of the North American Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA), describing the nursing objectives to be achieved, according to the nomenclature ot the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) and the nursing interventions needed to reach them, with the normalized language of the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), previously reviewing its physiopathology and, without forgetting, the interdependent problems.