María Teresa Marco García, Trinidad Rufino Delgado, Berta Anta Agudo, Carlos Enrique Martínez Alberto
Introducción: Son múltiples los beneficios en salud de la dieta mediterránea. Existen pocos estudios que hayan valorado su adherencia en profesionales sanitarios.
Objetivos: Valorar la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (DM) en tutores y residentes de una Unidad Docente Multiprofesional de Atención Familiar y Comunitaria (UDMAFyC) y su asociación con la edad, género, condición de tutor o residente, profesión y país de origen.
Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio la formaron tutores y residentes de Medicina y Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria de la UDMAFyC Tenerife zona I. Aprovechando un encuentro formativo, cumplimentaron un cuestionario que contenía las variables siguientes: adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (cuestionario MEDAS-14, de 14 ítems; alta adherencia: ≥ 9 puntos, baja adherencia: < 9 puntos), edad, género, ser tutor o residente, profesión (médico o enfermero) y país de origen.
Resultados: Participaron 136 profesionales sanitarios, 76 tutores, 56 de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (MFyC) y 20 de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria (EFyC) y 60 residentes (55 de MFyC y 5 de EFyC). La adherencia a la DM fue alta en 96 profesionales (70,6%), y baja en 40 (29,4%). La adherencia media fue 9,46 (DT: 1,92). No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ésta y el resto de variables. Sí se detectaron diferencias en el cumplimiento de los siguientes ítems del cuestionario en tutores y residentes: consumo de dos o más cucharadas de aceite de oliva al día (73,7% frente a 53,3%; p= 0,014), consumo de tres o más raciones a la semana de pescado y marisco (40,8% frente a 21,7%; p= 0,018) y consumo preferente de carne blanca (84,2% frente a 98,3%; p= 0,005).
Conclusiones: Los tutores y residentes de MFyC y EFyC de esta Unidad Docente tienen un grado de adherencia alto a la dieta mediterránea.
Introduction: There are multiple health benefits of theMediterranean diet. There are few studies that have evalu-ated its adherence in health professionals.
Objectives: To assess the adherence to the Mediterraneandiet in tutors and residents of a Multiprofessional TeachingUnit for Family and Community Care and its association withage, gender, the condition of tutor or resident, their profes-sion and the country of origin.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was de-signed. The study population were tutors and residents ofFamily and Community Medicine and Nursing of theMultiprofessional Teaching Unit of Family and CommunityAttention of Tenerife zone I. Taking advantage of a trainingmeeting, they completed a questionnaire that contained thefollowing variables: adherence to the Mediterranean diet(MEDAS-14 questionnaire, of 14 items; high adherence: ≥9points, low adherence: <9 points), age, gender, being a tu-tor or resident, profession ( doctor or nurse) and country oforigin.
Results: 136 health professionals participated, 76 ofthem tutors (56 from Family Medicine and 20 from FamilyNursing) and 60 residents (55 from Family Medicine and 5from Family Nursing). Adherence to the Mediterranean dietwas high in 96 healthcare professionals (70.6%), and lowin 40 (29.4%). The mean adherence was 9.46 (SD: 1.92).No statistically significant differences were observed be-tween this and the rest of the study variables. Differenceswere detected in the adherence of the following items ofthe questionnaire in tutors and residents: consumption oftwo or more tablespoons of olive oil per day, whose com-pliance frequency was 73.7% in tutors and 53.3% in resi-dents (p = 0.014), consumption of three or more servingsper week of fish and shellfish, which compliance was af-firmed by 40.8% of the tutors and by 21.7% of the resi-dents (p = 0.018 ) and preferential consumption of whitemeat, whose adherence was higher in residents (tutors:84.2; residents: 98.3%; p = 0.005).
Conclusions: Despite the fact that the tutors andresidents of Family Medicine and Family Nursing of thisTeaching Unit have a high degree of adherence to DM, theconsumption of fish or shellfish, legumes and fruit in theseprofessionals can be improved.