Zaragoza, España
A partir del último tercio del siglo XIX el papel de la mujer en la sociedad comienza a cambiar en España. Con la llegada del siglo XX aparece con fuerza el movimiento obrero y las ideas progresistas crecen rápidamente en la sociedad, culminando en la II República. Comienza un nuevo intento de progreso que intentará plasmarse en una reforma agraria, un mejor reparto de la riqueza y la universalización de derechos, en referencia a las clases sociales y al género. Se intenta llevar hasta el último pueblo la educación y la sanidad. Se intenta universalizar el derecho a la salud y potencia la mejora de la Salud Pública. Se trataba de plasmar un ideario preventivista, educacional y progresista hacia las clases más desfavorecidas. Para ello promociona e intenta profesionalizar la enfermería, desarrolla sus itinerarios y le da contenido, principalmente en la atención domiciliaria y rural
The role of women in Spanish society experienced a significant development throughout the last third of the nineteenth century. The twentieth century brought about a strong labour movement which resulted in the emergence of progressive ideas which, ultimately, led to the establishment of the Second Spanish Republic. This event marked the beginning of a new and progressive era in the history of Spain, characterised by the implementation of an agrarian reform, wealth distribution and both social and gender universalization of human rights. An attempt was made to provide both education and healthcare services to the whole of the Spanish population. Furthermore, Public Health was promoted and improved, and institutional reforms directed towards the universalization of healthcare. All of these preventative, educational and progressive ideas and reforms were aimed at helping and supporting those in a disadvantaged socio-economic situation. In order to achieve this goal, the nursing profession was promoted, developed and professionalised, especially in the areas of public and rural healthcare