Lola Compañ, Jesús Vioque López , Ildefonso Hernández Aguado , J. Quiles
Objetivo. Identificar el grado de conocimiento y control de la HTA en la población adulta, mayor de 14 años, de la Comunidad Valenciana, los distintos abordajes terapéuticos e investigar las variables asociadas al conocimiento de la HTA.
Diseño. Estudio transversal, tipo encuesta poblacional.
Emplazamiento. Comunidad Valenciana (CV).
Participantes e intervenciones. En una muestra representativa de adultos de 14 y más años de edad de la CV se realizaron 2 tomas de presión arterial con un esfigmomanómetro digital semiautomático Nissei (Modelo DS-115) para un total de 1.674 individuos.
Resultados. Un 50% de los 314 hipertensos detectados conocían serlo. El porcentaje de HTA conocida bajo tratamiento se situó en un 85,3%, y dentro de ellos los que mantenían sus cifras tensionales controladas superaban ligeramente el 50%. Un 14,6% de los detectados, a pesar de saberse hipertensos, no se trataba.
Conclusiones. La clásica regla de las tres mitades, aplicada a nivel poblacional para la HTA, aún parece vigente en la CV, con la excepción del porcentaje de hipertensos tratados (>85%).
Objective. To identify the level of hypertension awareness, treatment and control in the adult population (14 years and older) at the Valencian Region. Type of treatment and associated factors to the hypertension awareness will be also explored.
Design. Cross-sectional study (population survey).
Setting. Valencian Region, Spain.
Participants and measurements. Data from this study are based on a representative sample of the adult population collected for the Nutrition and Health Examination Survey carried out in the Valencian Region in 1994. Blood pressure measurement was based in two readings on each person at a single sitting.
Results. Awareness of hypertension among subjects classified as hypertensive was 50%. The frequency of treated patients among all those subjects who knew as hypertensive, was 85%. The proportion of well controlled among treated hypertensive people was lightly higher than 50%. 14.6% of people aware of being hypertensive were not under treatment.
Conclusions. The rule of halves still applies to the Valencian Region, though the proportion of diagnosed hypertensive under treatment is much better (>85%).