C. Olivar Castrillon, S. Gonzalez Moran, M. M. Martinez Suarez
Objetivo. Determinar el grado de satisfacción laboral y desgaste profesional en médicos de atención primaria (AP) y factores relacionados.
Diseño. Estudio descriptivo transversal.
Ámbito de estudio. AP de Asturias.
Sujetos. Médicos generales (MG), médicos de familia (MFyC), residentes (MIR-MFyC) y pediatras (P) de AP (n=810).
Mediciones y resultados. Encuesta autoadministrable con variables sociodemográficas y sugerencias. Cuestionario Font Roja-AP (FR). Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).
Resultados. Contestaron, 497 (61,35%). Varones, 55,6%. Edad media, 41 años (DE, 7,18). Trabajaban en el ámbito urbano, 57,3%. Cualificación: 42%, MFyC; 35%, MG; 15%, P, y 7%, MIR-MFyC. Modelo AP: 84%, EAP; 9%, modelo tradicional, y 7% servicio normal de urgencias (SNU). Antigüedad media, 14 años (DE, 7,5). Dedicación exclusiva, 89%. Contrato: 59%, fijos; 31%, interinos; 7%, MIR-MFyC, y 3%, temporales. Satisfacción media global (SMG), 73,73 puntos. Presentaban alto desgaste profesional, 43%; moderado, 23%, y bajo, 32%. Asociaciones estadísticamente significativas: SMG-variables sociodemográficas: mayor en varones, ámbito rural, pediatras, SNU, sin guardias, menos burocracia y menor presión asistencial. Satisfacción-FR: mayor SNU, sin guardias, sin exclusividad. Presión-FR: mayor varones, ámbito rural, pediatras, sin exclusividad, SNU, sin guardias y menor demanda. Control-FR: mayor fijos e interinos. Relación-FR: mayor varones, MFyC, sin guardias. Adecuación-FR: mayor varones, pediatras, fijos, sin guardias. Distensión-FR: mayor MIR, jóvenes, sin exclusividad, SNU. Variedad-FR: mayor jóvenes, sin hijos, MIR, exclusividad, con guardias. MBI-variables sociodemográficas: mayor nivel de cansancio emocional bajo en trabajadores de ámbito rural y los que tienen hijos. Mayor porcentaje de bajo nivel de despersonalización en mujeres. A mayor edad, menos nivel de «quemazón» profesional.
Conclusiones. Nivel alto de satisfacción laboral. Desgaste profesional alto-moderado.
Objective. To determine the level of work satisfaction and professional wear and tear among primary care doctors, and related factors.
Design. Crossover descriptive study.
Setting. Asturias PC.
Subjects. General doctors (GD), family doctors (FD), residents, and PC paediatricians (n=810).
Measurements. A survey for self-administration with social and demographic variables and suggestions. The Font Roja-PC questionnaire (FR). The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).
Results. 497 (55.6% male) responded (61.35%). Mean age was 41 (SD=7.18). 57.3% worked in an urban environment. 42% were FD, 35% GD, 15% paediatricians, 7% residents. The PC model was: 84% PC teams, 9% traditional model, 7% normal emergency service (NES). Mean seniority was 14 years (SD=7.5). 89% worked solely in PC. 59% had a permanent contract, 31% provisional contracts, 7% were residents and 3% temporary. Overall mean satisfaction (OMS): 73.73 points. 43% had high professional wear and tear, 23% moderate and 32% low. Statistically significant associations: OMS/social and demographic variables: greater in men, the rural environment, paediatrics, NES, without stand-by, with less bureaucracy and less case pressure. Satisfaction/FR: greater NES, without stand-by, without sole dedication. Case pressure/FR: greater in men, rural environment, paediatrics, without sole dedication, NES, without stand-by and with less demand. Control/FR: greater in permanent and provisional posts. Relationship/FR: greater in men, FD, without stand-by. Suitability/FR: greater in men, paediatricians, permanent doctors, without stand-by. Relaxation/FR: greater in residents, young people, without sole dedication, NES. Variety/FR: greater in young people, those without children, residents, with sole dedication, those with stand-by. MBI/social and demographic variables: greater level of low emotional tiredness in workers in a rural environment and those with children. Greater low level of alienation in women. The older the doctor, the less the professional burnout.
Conclusions. 1. High level of work satisfaction. 2. High-moderate professional wear and tear.