El síndrome compartimental crónico inducido por el ejercicio o el uso excesivo raramente afecta a los miembros superiores y se ha relacionado con actividades deportivas o laborales. Describimos un caso de un paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome compartimental crónico de antebrazo, de características poco habituales, tratado con fasciotomía mínimamente invasiva. Este síndrome debe sospecharse incluso en pacientes que no practiquen actividades de riesgo y que sufran dolor compartimental inespecífico. La fasciotomía con técnica mínimamente invasiva es una opción eficaz para curar este cuadro. ABSTRACTChronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) of the forearm is uncommon and has been described in association with sport and work-related activities. We describe the uncommon presentation of a patient with CECS of the forearm who was treated through a min-invasive fasciotomy. CECS of the forearm must be suspected in patients with compartmental pain even if they do not practice risk activities. Mini-invasive fasciotomy is an effective option for the treatment of this pathology.
Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) of the forearm is uncommon and has been described in association with sport and work-related activities. We describe the uncommon presentation of a patient with CECS of the forearm who was treated through a min-invasive fasciotomy. CECS of the forearm must be suspected in patients with compartmental pain even if they do not practice risk activities. Mini-invasive fasciotomy is an effective option for the treatment of this pathology.