Determinantes sociales de la salud. Estatus socioeconómico, neurodesarrollo y funciones ejecutivas en la infancia
Antonio Muñoz Vinuesa
Andrés Afonso Martín
Francisco Cruz Quintana
María Nieves Pérez Marfil
Eva María Sotomayor-Morales
Manuel Fernández Alcántara
Verdejo-García A, Pérez-García M. Profile of executive deficits in cocaine and heroin polysubs-tance users: common and differential effects...
Johnson SB, Riis JL, Noble KG. State of the Art Review: Poverty and the Developing Brain. Pedia-trics 2016; 137(4):e20153075.
Farah MJ, Hackman DA. SES, childhood expe-rience, and the neural bases of cognition. The Oxford Handbook of Poverty and Child Development...
Piccolo LR, Sbicigo JB, Grassi-Oliveira R, Fumagalli de Salles J. Do socioeconomic status and stress reactivity really impact neurocognitive...
Ursache A, Noble KG. Neurocognitive develop-ment in socioeconomic context: Multiple mechan-isms and implications for measuring socioeconomic...
Aran-Filippetti V, Richaud de Minzi MC. A structural analysis of executive functions and socioeconomic status in school-age children: cognitive...
Brito NH, Piccolo LR, Noble KG. Associations between cortical thickness and neurocognitive skills during childhood vary by family socioeconomic...
Calvo A, Bialystok E. Independent effects of bilingualism and socioeconomic status on language ability and executive functioning. Cognition...
Hackman DA, Gallop R, Evans GW, Farah MJ. Socioeconomic status and executive function: developmental trajectories and mediation. Develop-mental...
Piccolo LR, Arteche AX, Fonseca RP, Grassi-Oliveira R, Salles JF. Influence of family socioeco-nomic status on IQ, language, memory and execu-tive...
Spielberg JM, Galarce EM, Ladouceur CD, McMakin DL, Olino TM, Forbes EE, Silk JS, Ryan ND, Dahl RE. Adolescent development of inhibition as...
Lawson GM, Hook CJ, Farah Martha JA. Meta-analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic status and executive function performance among...
Sturge-Apple ML, Jones HR, Suor JH. When stress gets into your head: Socioeconomic risk, executive functions, and maternal sensitivity across...
Fatima S, Sheikh H, Ardila A. Association of parent–child relationships and executive functioning in South Asian adolescents. Neuropsychology...
Ursache A, Noble KG. Socioeconomic status, white matter, and executive function in children. Brain and behavior 2016; 6(10): e00531. doi:...
Lawson GM, Farah MJ. Executive Function as a Mediator Between SES and Academic Achievement Throughout Childhood. Int J Behav Dev. 2017; 41(1):94-104....
Corso HV, Cromley JG, Sperb T, Salles JF. Modeling the relationship among reading compre-hension, intelligence, socioeconomic status, and...
Ursache A, Noble KG, Blair C. Socioeconomic Status, Subjective Social Status, and Perceived Stress: Associations with Stress Physiology and...
Weiland C, Yoshikawa H. Does higher peer socio-economic status predict children's language and executive function skills gains in prekindergar-ten?...
McCoy DC, Zuilkowski SS, Fink G. Poverty, physical stature, and cognitive skills: Mechanisms underlying children's school enrollment in...
Shonkoff JP, Garner AS. Committee on Psy-chosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health; Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and Dependent...