Yeny Rodríguez Cisneros, Wilfredo Baldeón Quispe
La Biblioteca Agrícola Nacional (BAN) es la principal biblioteca de temática agropecuaria líder de Perú. Presta servicios en nueve salas de lectura, en dos edificaciones. Hasta la fecha, no se habían realizado evaluaciones de la percepción ni del confort acústico en salas de lectura como lo son las de una biblioteca.
Dado que las bibliotecas son una de las principales herramientas para el desarrollo profesional, planteamos evaluar la percepción del ruido ambiental, determinar los niveles de ruido y el confort acústico en la BAN.
Para ello encuestamos a 359 usuarios de la BAN, medimos los niveles de ruido y determinamos el bienestar acústico siguiendo la metodología establecida por el INDECOPI1 y el INSHT2 respectivamente. Las encuestas concluyeron que el 65.9% de los usuarios de la BAN perciben las salas de estudio como «poco silenciosas» y un 70.2% indica que el ambiente sonoro es «agradable». Los niveles de ruido oscilaron entre 44.1 y 54.2 dBA.
Respecto al confort acústico, se dedujo que las salas Ciencias, Hemeroteca, Referencias, Ciencias Sociales, Agricultura y Tesis son acogedoras; sin embargo, los resultados no son precisos para toda la BAN, pues se encontraron diferencias significativas entre el PPD y el PPD .
The National Agricultural Library (BAN) is the leading library in agricultural and livestock issue of Peru. It provides services in nine reading rooms in two buildings. Evaluations of the perception and the acoustic comfort in reading rooms, as those of a library, had not been carried out up until now. As libraries are known for being one of the principal tools for professional development, it was considered to evaluate the perception of the environmental noise, to determine its noise levels and the acoustic comfort in the BAN. For this purpose, BAN users were polled, noise levels were measured and acoustic comfort was determined following the methodology established by INDECOPI1 (National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property) and INSHT (National Institute for Safety and Health at Work) respectively. It was found that 65,9% of BAN users perceive study rooms as «quiet» and 70,2% indicate that the sound environment is «comfortable». The noise levels ranged from 44,1 to 54,2 dBA. Concerning the acoustic comfort, it was established that the Sciences, Newspaper and Periodicals Library, References, Social Sciences, Agriculture and Thesis rooms are comfortable. However, the results are not accurate for the whole BAN, as significant differences between PPD and PPD . were found.