Abdominal hypopressive gymnastics (AHG) is a means towards toning the abdominal muscles, muscles of the pelvic floor, and spine stabilizing musculature.As a differentiating trait, it is claimed that the practice of this method’smoves does not cause intraabdominal pressure to increase. The objective of this study is to assess the validity of AHG’s theoretical basis and to present arguments for its practice.A literature review is also presented. Discrepancies were found within the following theoretical grounds of AHG:
(i) AHG causes stimulation of the expiratory area, and inhibition of the inspiratory area. (ii) AHG causes stimulation of the pneumotaxic center. (iii) Through AHG, postural relaxation of the diaphragm is Abdominal hypopressive gymnastics (AHG) is ameans towards toning the abdominal muscles, muscles of the pelvic floor, and spine stabilizing musculature. As a differentiating trait, it is claimed that thepractice of this method’s moves does not cause intraabdominal pressure to increase. The objective of this study is to assess the validity of AHG’s theoretical basis and to present arguments for its practice. A literature review is also presented. Discrepancies were found within the following theoretical grounds of AHG: (i) AHG causes stimulation of the expiratory area, and inhibition of the inspiratory area. (ii) AHG causes stimulation of the pneumotaxic center. (iii) Through AHG, postural relaxation of the diaphragm is achieved.
(iv) The supraspinal respiratory centers regulate postural tension of the respiratory musculature. (v) Executing phasic abdominal exercises causes a decrease in postural muscle tone. (vi) In order to prevent stress urinary incontinence, training of type i fibers in the pelvic floor must be emphasized.