Clara Aarts
Sweden has about 10 million inhabitants. Theresponsibility for health and medical care isshared by the central government, county councils(n=20) and municipalities (n=290).1 Healthcare in Sweden is largely tax-funded, a systemthat ensures equal access to health care services.Health and medical care represents about 7.5 percent of Sweden’s gross domestic product (GDP).Sweden has 61 hospitals, seven are regionalhospitals, and about 1200 Primary Health CareCenters, of which > 40% are private centers year2015. It is common nowadays for county councilsto buy services from private health care providersbut patients are covered by the same regulationsthat apply to municipal care facilities. Researchexample at our Department, Associate ProfessorUlrica Winblad and research group who studythe effects of marketization on health care.