Nicolás A. Rojas, Mercedes Vernetta Santana , Jesús López Bedoya
El proposito de este estudio ha sido identificar y analizar las lesiones mas comunes en gimnastas de tumbling en base a las caracteristicas del entrenamiento, asi como las areas potenciales sobre las que se podrian aplicar medidas de prevencion.
Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo mediante un cuestionario-entrevista a 18 gimnastas de categorias junior y senior (edad 22,6 anos �} 5,4 anos; peso corporal 65,94 �} 6,28 Kg; y altura 1,69 �} 0,05 cm).
Las variables objeto de estudio fueron el tiempo de practica y las lesiones sufridas por los gimnastas (localizacion, tipologia, severidad, mecanismo de produccion y el momento en el que se producen).
Se registraron un total de 50 lesiones, (94%) durante el entrenamiento. Las lesiones mas numerosas fueron ligamentosas (44%) y musculares (32%). Por localizacion, el 72% ocurrieron en los miembros inferiores. Los esguinces representaron un 24%, seguido de las contracturas (12%) y roturas (16%). El (40%) de las lesiones fueron moderadas. Respecto a los mecanismos lesionales, resaltar la sobrecarga en el volumen de trabajo (35%) y lesion por repeticion tecnica defectuosa (27,50%). La fase de la sesion con mayor incidencia lesional fue el trabajo de las series de competicion (54%); y a nivel tecnico los elementos dobles y con giros en el eje longitudinal (38,22%).
Se hallo una correlacion positiva (p .0,05) entre el numero de lesiones y la carga semanal de entrenamiento. Los resultados indican la necesidad de establecer metodologias preventivas, sobre todo para las articulaciones del tren inferior: tobillo y rodilla, al suponer el mayor porcentaje de lesiones. Se recomienda el trabajo propioceptivo como metodo preventivo para los esguinces y el fortalecimiento muscular asociado a la preparacion fisica especifica de los musculos estabilizadores de la rodilla, a traves de cargas secuenciales que permitan soportar altos volumenes de entrenamiento.
The purpose of this study has been to identify and analyze the most common injuries in tumbling gymnasts based on the characteristics of training, as well as the potential areas in which prevention measures could be applied. This is a retrospective study through a questionnaire-interview given to 18 gymnasts (age 22.6 �} 5.4 years; body weight 65.94 �} 6.28 Kg; and height 1.69 �} 0.05 cm).
The variables studied were the number of years of practice and the injuries suffered by the gymnasts (location, typology, severity, production mechanism and the moment in which they occurred).
A total of 50 injuries was registered, (94%) were recorded during training. The most numerous injuries were ligamentous (44%) and muscle injuries (32%). By location, 72% occurred in lower limbs. Sprains were 24%, followed by contractures (12%) and tears (16%). 40% of the injuries suffered were moderately serious. Regarding the injury mechanisms, we would highlight the work volume overload (35%) and injury by a repetitive defective technique (27.50%). The time of the session with most injury load was the complete series training (54%); and a technical level the doubles somersault with twists in the longitudinal axis (38.22%) produced most injuries.
A positive correlation (p .0.05) was found between the number of injuries and the weekly training load. Results indicate the need for preventive measures, overall to the lower body joints, ankle and knee. The propioceptive training is recommended as preventive method to avoid sprains, and the muscle strengthening associated with a specific physical preparation on knee stabilizing muscles by sequential charges, allowing high training loads.