El objetivo del proyecto ha sido el desarrollo de un relleno de material superadsorbente que pueda ser insertado en la confección de prendas de vestir. La primera parte del proyecto se centró en la realización de ensayos de laboratorio para determinar la capacidad instantánea de adsorción de diferentes materiales superadsorbentes y su variación en el tiempo.
A partir de los resultados de estos ensayos se calcularon y diseñaron dos prototipos de chaleco con los materiales adsorbentes de mejores características. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo la caracterización experimental de los prototipos desarrollados con directores de orquesta, en condiciones controladas, realizando actividad en condiciones simuladas de trabajo.
Research work was undertaken with the aim of developing a garment containing adsorbent materials, which are characterised by high adsorption capacity, and could be applied in a textile to absorb user's sweat, in order to eliminate possible external sweat spots as well as improving user thermal comfort. The research covered the characterization of the employed adsorbent materials, the development of adequate prototype garments and their testing on a subject. Two prototypes, in the form of a vest, containing different adsorbent materials were made. Several types of adsorbent materials were evaluated. SG B 127 and Rhapid Sheet Silica Gel were selected as the best options to apply in the sweat-absorbing textile of the vest. The user, an orchestra director, wearing the prototype under its suit was exposed to 30ºC/80% RH ambient in a climatic chamber and performed for 35 min, simulating real working conditions. Microclimate temperatures, humidity at most interesting points under the suit were recorded. Simultaneously, heart rate and thermal sensation votes were also recorded. The experimental results showed that the prototypes had the capacity to absorb the exuded water vapor and fully eliminate sweat spots. However, the prototype turned out to generate a considerable warming effect on the covered body areas. This effect, mainly due to the reaction heat released during the adsorption process, was expected but it turned out to be more intensive than thought.