Los ostomizados presentan problemas que afectan a su salud integral y desajustes en el microsistema familiar, debiendo ser atendidos holísticamente en hospitales y atención primaria (atención domiciliaria). Existe margen de mejora en la planificación y continuidad de cuidados. Objetivos: Revisar en la bibliografía las necesidades de cuidados de pacientes ostomizados en domicilio y Atención Primaria. Proponer acciones de mejora en el cuidado integral al paciente ostomizado durante la estancia hospitalaria y en su domicilio. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis bibliométrico entre octubre de 2012 y marzo de 2013 revisando el cuidado de pacientes ostomizados al alta hospitalaria, centrándose en la atención domiciliaria realizando una revisión bibliográfica utilizando Punto Q de la Universidad de La Laguna en bases de datos como Dialnet, Scielo, Scopus, Medline o Science Direct. Palabras clave utilizadas: ostomías, educación, cuidados, atención domiciliaria, inserción social (ostomy, education, cares, domicilie attention, social integration). Se formó un panel de expertos con cinco enfermeros y un trabajador social, determinando puntos débiles para mejorar la atención con la bibliografía. Resultados: el ostomizado presenta problemas biopsicosociales. Existe falta de planificación y coordinación entre niveles asistenciales. La educación sanitaria es fundamental en el proceso y una adecuada formación profesional.
Holistic cares and domicile attention to ostomy´s patient.
Background: Ostomy patients have problems affecting their overall health and problems which affect the family unit that must be addressed in a holistic manner both in hospitals and primary care (home care). There is room for improvement in the planning and continuity´s care. Objectives: To review the literature on the needs of ostomy patients cared for at home and in primary care. To propose actions to improve comprehensive ostomy patient care during hospital stay and at home.
Methods: We performed a bibliometric analysis between October of 2012 and March of 2013 to analyze the ostomy patient�s cares once they have been discharged from hospital, which focuses on home care. Literature review was performed using Punto Q from the University of La Laguna in databases such as Dialnet, Scielo, Scopus, Medline and Science Direct. Keywords:
ostomies, education, care, home care social integration. It formed an expert panel with five nurses and a social worker to determine possible weaknesses and improvements in cares, with found literature. Results: Ostomy patients have biopsychosocial problems. There is a lack of planning and coordination between different care levels. Health education in the process as well as adequate professional training is essential Conclusions and/or discussion: The ostomy condition implies a change in lifestyle for patients and caregivers. It is necessary: to improve nursing education in primary care, to improve health education of caregivers and patients, to promote self-care in hospitals, and to establish better planning, coordination and information of the involved staff to increase the care`s quality.