Objetivos: Determinar el número de casos de violencia de género (VG) que el personal sanitario encargado del control de embarazo era consciente que se habia atendido. Identificar la existencia o no de recursos de los que dispone este personal para abordar este problema. Conocer la prioridad que este personal asigna a la VG dentro del sistema sanitario.
Método: estudio observacional descriptivo, sujetos de estudio: personal sanitario con funciones en el control del embarazo. Se utilizó un cuestionario de elaboración propia. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos. Resultados: El 93,10% (81) creen que son menos de diez al año las mujeres atendidas El 95,40% (83) afirma que no tiene los recursos necesarios para poder actuar Se otorga una media de 8,14 + 1,45 sobre 10 en el orden de priorización.
Conclusión: El personal parece estar sensibilizado aunque no se considera preparado para abordar el problema.
Aims: to determine the number of cases of gender violence (GV) that health personnel in charge of pregnancy control were aware they had attended to; to identify whether resources were available to the personnel to address this problem; to ascertain the priority these personnel assign to GV within the health system.Conclusion: The personnel seemed to be aware of the problem but did not consider themselves prepared to address it.
Method: descriptive, observational study. Subjects were health personnel working in pregnancy control. A questionnaire developed by the researchers was used. Descriptive analysis of the data was made.
Results: 93.10% (81) believed that they attended fewer than ten such cases a year. 95.40% (83) stated that they did not have the necessary resources to enable them to act. A mean score of 8,14 + 1,45 out of 10 was awarded regarding prioritization.