Mercedes Escribano Silva, A. Fernández García, José Quintiá Casares, Socorro Riveiro Temprano
Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente que sufrió un accidente cerebro vascular que le ocasionó una hemiplejía derecha. Transcurrido un tiempo nos remite una carta contándonos su propia experiencia para dar a conocer lo que supone ser un hemipléjico en la sociedad actual. Transmitimos literalmente su testimonio.
Analizamos su carta, comentamos los problemas que presenta e intentamos dar una explicación y solución a las distintas alteraciones que dificultan sus actividades de la vida diaria.
We present a clinical case of a patient who has suffered a cerebrovascular accident, which has caused a right hemiplegic: on the right side, and alter a time he sent usa letter telling us his own experiences so people will know what an hemiplegic is treated in present society. Whe transmit his testimony literally.
We analyse his letter, comment on the problems that he presents and we attempt to give an explanation and solution to the different alterations thats complicates his activities in his daily lile.