Doris Greggs-McQilkin
págs. 278-279
The State of AMSN: Our Year in Review
Doris Greggs-McQilkin
págs. 278-279
pág. 279
Thoughts on a Magnificent Specialty
Dottie Roberts
pág. 280
pág. 280
Dottie Roberts
pág. 280
Competent to Care: Strategies to Assist Staff in Caring for Elders
Cindy Westley, Kathleen Fletcher, Karen A. Fankhauser, Virginia M-Y. Lee
págs. 281-289
Competent to Care: Strategies to Assist Staff in Caring for Elders
Virginia M-Y. Lee, Cindy Westley, Karen A. Fankhauser, Kathleen Fletcher
págs. 281-289
Sleep: Geriatric Self-Learning Module
Cindy Westley
págs. 291-295
Sleep: Geriatric Self-Learning Module
Cindy Westley
págs. 291-295
The Postoperative Care of the Adult Renal Transplant Recipient
Gary W. Barone, Claudia P. Barone, Alice L. Martin-watson
págs. 296-303
The Postoperative Care of the Adult Renal Transplant Recipient
Claudia P. Barone, Alice L. Martin-watson, Gary W. Barone
págs. 296-303
Perioperative Influences on Fluid Distribution
Kim Van Wissen, Colette Breton
págs. 304-311
Perioperative Influences on Fluid Distribution
Kim Van Wissen, Colette Breton
págs. 304-311
The Effect of Individual Characteristics on Perceptions Of Collaboration In the Work Environment
Dana Tschannen
págs. 312-318
The Effect of Individual Characteristics on Perceptions Of Collaboration In the Work Environment
Dana Tschannen
págs. 312-318
Genetic Susceptibility To Psychiatric Disorders
Amy M. Steele, Yvette P. Conley, Kathryn R. Puskar
págs. 319-325
Genetic Susceptibility To Psychiatric Disorders
Amy M. Steele, Yvette P. Conley, Kathryn R. Puskar
págs. 319-325
Recovery of Finnish Short-Stay Surgery Patients
Helena Susilahti, T. Suominen, Helena Leino-Kilpi
págs. 326-335
Recovery of Finnish Short-Stay Surgery Patients
Helena Leino-Kilpi, T. Suominen, Helena Susilahti
págs. 326-335
Medical-Surgical Nurses Flying High
Lisa Latendresse
págs. 336-338
Medical-Surgical Nurses Flying High
Lisa Latendresse
págs. 336-338
págs. 339-345
págs. 339-346
Back to the Basics: Recruitment, Retention, and Reality
Karlene Kerfoot
págs. 346-348
págs. 346-348
Karlene Kerfoot
págs. 348-350
Karlene Kerfoot
págs. 348-350
pág. 350
M. Terry Sullivan
págs. 353-354